Thursday, July 3, 2008

Batten Down the Hatches, a Slowdown is Coming

David Leonhardt at the NY Times is correct about the sorry state of our economy, further bolstered by today's learned comment:
“Six straight months of job losses are the strongest evidence yet that the economy has slipped into a recession of uncertain depth and duration,” said Peter Morici, an economist at the University of Maryland School of Business.
In Leonhardt's article he rates the chances of a recession at 75%. I would tend to agree.

Leonhardt further addresses the fact that we have deeper problems going forward, the toughest one is that we are not creating enough good new jobs. It's a relative lack of innovation caused by our poor recent performance in education. As I have argued in the past, we need to keep all of the college educated folks we can, including the foreign ones, in order to create enough good jobs here. Let's see if this is something the new President will address, as "No Child Left Behind" has not been the answer.

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