Monday, February 4, 2008

Bush not a friend to Small Business

The figures from the Bush 2009 budget are stark; despite a solid reputation as a friend to small businesses, the figures say otherwise.

As the budget describes it, discretionary spending from 2001-2009 (the latter year as proposed) increased by an annual average rate of 5.5%, well out-pacing inflation which has averaged 2.7% since 2001, for a total increase of 53.4% over the period.

Meanwhile, the Small Business Administration budget has declined by 3.9% annually, or a full 27.0% over that time. It was the biggest percentage decline of any Agency.

Now, I get the free market and all, big fan, and the Administration's cuts at Labor and the EPA were not a surprise, but where is the love for small business, got to find your success on your own I guess. While the big tuna's like Agriculture continue to increase and bring in big bucks, not to mention the big cahuna Defence, the SBA is on it's own.

This will not change much this year, but stay tuned for what the Dems will do in this final Bush year to set things up for the new guy/gal whoever that might be.

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