Monday, May 25, 2009

Dissent on Your Board - Plan on it

The new SEC policies cited in Fair Game this weekend show that in public company situations it's good to have dissenters on your board.  The article refers to a study by the IRRC Institute that shows if a company has dissenting board members (submitted say by a rich guy or a hedge fund) then both short term and long term shareholder returns are substantially higher.  Great for public company situations, and the SEC is going to make it easier now, but how can this apply to a small company/ private situation?

Well, surely you are not going to sit a foe on your board, but they shouldn't all be yes men either.  Outside advisers, from the ranks of attorneys, accountants, and bankers, not to mention customers (if you are a supplier) can be a great resource for alternative strategies, contrary ideas.

Make a point of having a broad representation on your board and you will find the advise can lead to better business outcomes for your company.  Your pocketbook and your employees will thank you for it.

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