Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Free Speech and money for war

The President, he respects the Senators (both Democrats and Republicans he noted) who disagree with him but are currently speaking and debating about his Iraq plan and the current situation, describing them as "honorable citizens". He knows they have an opinion, and have a right to express it. Isn't it refreshing to know that he knows the Constitution, which does allow freedom of speech. He also warns them to be aware of your audience as he does when he speaks. Well, when democracy stops at the border, should we shut down our free speech there? So that we don't "embolden" the militants? As the President said himself, sometime after 9/11 in trying to get people back on airplanes, if we don't get back to normal then they've won. Well, this holds for our Constitutional rights as well, if we, and especially our representatives, can't speak freely, then they've won.

The President also has studied the separation of powers between the Congress and the President, most importantly that the Congress has the money to dole out. In his news conference today he lobbied for the money for his plan, strongly playing the wimp card (implying the Democrats are such) by implying that if the Congress does not give him the money for his plan it would endanger our troops. Isn't that his problem for putting them out there before the money is approved?

Ah, it always gets down to the money in politics....

A short summary of the news conference is at:,


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